Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Leda and the Swan

Andrea del Sarto (ca. 1490)

Michelangelo (1510)


Jacopo Pontorno (1512)

(Follower of) Il Sodoma (ca. 1515)

Correggio (1532)

Vincent Sellaer (1538)

Bacchiacci (ca. 1540)

Georg Pencz (ca. 1540)


Paolo Veronese (ca. 1570)

Peter Paul Rubens (after Michelangelo, 1600)

Padovanino (ca. 1625)

Antoine Coypel (around 1700)

Jean-Francois de Troy (around 1730)

Francois Boucher (ca 1740)

Gianbettino Cignaroli (ca 1750)

Theodore Gericault (ca. 1820)



Heinrich Lossow (late 19th C.)



Arturo Michelena (1887)

Jean-Baptiste Cariven (1887)

Emmanuel Benner (1888)


Henri-Paul Motte (1900)


Giovanni Boldini (undated)

Odilon Redon (undated)

Tadeuez Styka (1913)

Nicholai Kalmakoff (1917)

Otto Dix (1919)

Robert Auer (ca. 1920)

Wojciech Kossak (1924)

Jerzy Hulewicz (1928)

Marcel von Herrfeldt (undated)

Glyn Philpot (ca. 1932)

Paul Matthias Padua (1939)



Francisco Ramos (undated)

Giovanni Rapiti

Sergey Marshennikov

Gabriel Grun

Sara Renae Jones


Neil Moore (2009)

Natalie Richy (2010s)

Vlasta Smola (2016)

Christine Fokkelman (2020)

'Seduced by Zeus in the guise of a Swan'

1 comment:

  1. Heel bijzonder om te zien hoe het ideaalbeeld van de vrouw (het 'lekkere ding') zich per tijdperk en land ontwikkeld heeft!
