Tuesday, December 13, 2011


Benozzo Gozzoli - Salome Dancing for Herodes (1462)

Rogier van der Weyden (ca. 1450)

Sandro BotticelliSalome with the Head of John the Baptist (1488)

Andrea Solario (1507)

Sebastiano del Piombo (1510)

Bernardino Luini (1525)


Titian (ca. 1550)

Giorgio Vasari (mid 16th C.)

Philips Galle after Maarten van Heemskerck (1564)

Caravaggio (1607)



Peter Paul Rubens (ca. 1635)

Rembrandt van Rijn - The Beheading of John the Baptist (ca. 1640)

David Teniers the Younger (1650s)

Carlo Dolci (1670)

Onorio Marinari (1680)

Pompeo Batoni (mid 18th C.)

Heinrich Füssli (late 18th C.)


Henri Leopold Levy (1872)



Francisco Masriera (1888)

Ella Ferris Pell (1890)

Leon Herbo (ca. 1890)

Marie-Félix Hyppolite-Lucas (1890)

James Tissot (ca. 1890)

Odilon Redon (1893)


Jean Benner (ca. 1899)

Lovis Corinth (detail, 1900)

Pierre Bonnaud (ca. 1900)

Juana Romani (ca. 1900)

Alberto Artioli (1904)

Georges Desvallières (ca. 1905)



Leopold Schmutzler (1907)

Otto Sohn-Rethel (ca. 1907)

Vardgas Surenyants (1907)



Robert Henri (1909)

Edward Okun (undated)

Alexander Rothaug (early 20th C.)

Max Oppenheimer (1913)


Cikos Sesija (1919)

Jan Sluijters (ca. 1920)


Gaston Bussiere (1925)


Jean Sala (undated)

Hans Hassenteufel (1927)

Marcel René von Herrfeldt (undated)


Federico Beltran Masses (1932)


Joanna Chrobak (2007)


Janina Grinevich (2009)

Jean-Philippe Vallon (ca. 2010)

Anne Dewailly (2016)

Michael Lopez (2020)

 'Icon of dangerous female seductiveness'


  1. Die Darstellung von Max Oppenheimer dürfte sich auf Judith beziehen.

  2. Updated with many new images at 25-11-2021
