Sunday, November 4, 2012

Salvador Dali




Venus and Sailor




Bleeding Roses

Untided William Tell and Gradiva

Woman with a Head of Roses

The Head of May West (Actress) Used as Apartment

Cover of Minotaure Magazine

Necrophiliac Springtime

Queen Salomé


Enchanted Beach

Actress Betty Stockfeld Metamorphosed into a Nurse

Slave Market

Costume for a Nude with a Codfish Tail


Geopolitical Child

Dream Caused by the Flight of a Bee


Galarina (the Artist's Wife)

My Wife, Naked, Watching her own Body

The Temptation of Saint Anthony

Spanish Dancers in a Landscape

Leda Atomica (detail)

Madonna of Port Lligat (detail)

Galatea of the Spheres

Young Virgin Chastity


Hercules Lifting the Skin of the Sea to Stop Venus from Waking Cupid

Playmate after Rokeby Venus

Uxnor Lot in Satuam Salis Conversa (Biblia Sacra)



Hallucinogenic Toreador (Venus de Milo)

Gala from the Back (and in Mirror)

Gala's Foot (Right Panel)

Lifting the Mediterrenean Sea to Show Gala the Birth of Venus


Woman with Egg and Arrow

Drawing Back the Golden Fleece to Show Gala Completely Nude
(1904 - 1989)

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