Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Camille Corot

Young Italian Woman from Papigno with Spindle

Blanche, the Artist's Niece



Breton Women at the Well near Batz

Dance of the Nymphs


Cowherds in a Meadow by the Water


Field Concert (Woman with Cello)

Landscape with Fugures

Bacchante with a Panther

Gypsy with Tambourine

Mother and Child on the Beach

Girl Weaving a Garland


Orpheus Leading Eurydice from the Underworld


Breton Woman and her Little Girl




The Artist's Studio

Woman Reading in a Landscape

Diana at her Bath

Dreamer at the Fountain

Interrupted Reading

Algerian Woman

Mother Breastfeeding her Child

Greek Girl


Madame Stumpf - Mother with Daughter

Mlle Leotine Desavary Holding a Dove

Sicilian Odalisque

Venus Bathing

(1796 - 1895)

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