Monday, May 25, 2015

Woman with Apple

Hugo van der Goes - Temptation (1470)

Raphael - Three Graces (1505)

Jacob Jordaens - Golden Apple of Discord at the Wedding of Peleus and Thetis (1633)

Gerard ter Borch - Woman Peeling Apples (1650)

Nicolaes Maes (1655)

Gabriel Metsu (1657)

Pieter de Hooch (1663)

Dante Gabriel Rossetti - Venus Verticordia (1868)

William Bouguereau - Temptation (1880)

Hans von Marees - Hesperides (1884)

Camille Pissarro - Apple Pickers (1886)

Paul Gauguin - Woman Against Cezanne's Still Life with Apples (1890)

Pierre-Auguste Renoir - Apple Seller (1890)

Tivadar Csontvary (1894)

August Macke - The Artist's Wife (1908)

William Glackens - Nude with Apples (1910)

Mark Gertler - Apple Woman and her Husband (1912)

Boris Kustodiev - Irina Kustodieva

Alphonse Mucha - Croatian Woman with Apples (1920)

Boris Grigoriev (undated)

Jan Wydra (undated)

Tade Styka (undated)

Istvan Nagy (1934)

André Derain (detail, 1941)

Prudence Heward (1942)

Ralph Wickiser (1973)

Lui Liu (2003)

Andrey Belle (2004)

Victor Lyapkalo - Pregnant (undated)


Woman with Apple

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