Monday, June 15, 2015

Woman with Hat

Titian (1536)


Judith Leyster (ca. 1635)



Joshua Reynolds - Miss Mary Hickey (1770)

Louise Elisabeth Vigée Le Brun - Self Portrait (1787)

George Frederic Watts - Lady Holland (ca. 1844)


Alfred Stevens (undated)

Hans Makart (1875)


Camille Pissarro - Peasant Girl (1881)



Hugo von Haberman (1889)

Raimundo Madrazo (late 19th C.)


Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec - Berthe la Sourde (1890)


Mary Cassatt (1891)

Berthe Morisot - Julie Manet (1892)




Julian Alden Weir (1900)


Philip Wilson Steer - Seated Nude (1900)

Theo van Rysselberghe - Elisabeth, the Artist's Daughter (1901)



Ilya Repin (1905)




Georges Lemmen (1908)



Leo Putz (1909)


Egon Schiele (1909)



Gustav Klimt (1910)




Kees van Dongen (ca. 1912)



Eduard Veith (undated)

Isaac Israëls (undated)

Amedeo ModiglianiJeanne Hebuterne (1917)


Boris Grigoriev (ca. 1920)

John Lavery (1920)

Otto Dix (1923)




Antonio Donghi (1931)


Andy Warhol - Ingrid Bergman (1983)

Esao Andrews (2009)

Joseph Todorovich (ca. 2010)


Woman with Hat

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