Thursday, February 16, 2017

Jean Auguste Dominique Ingres

Venus Wounded by Diomedes Returns to Olympus

Ambassadors Sent by Agamemnon to Urge Achilles to Fight


Oedipus and Sphinx (detail)

The Bather of Valpincon

Madame Panckoucke

Tu Marcellis Eris

Jupiter and Thetis
(see also Nereids)

Ossian's Dream


Raphael and the Fornarina


Roger Delivering Angelica

Jeanne Suzanne Catherine Gonin

Madame LeBlanc

O Voto de Louis XIII

Madame Marie Marcotte



Odalisque with Slave

Comtesse d'Haussonville

Baronness de Rothschild (Woman with Fan)



Madame Gonse

Princesse de Broglie

Joan of Arc at Coronation of Charles VII

The Source

Madame Moitessier

Virgin of the Adoption

Angelica Chained

Delphine Ramel, the Artist's Wife

Woman with Three Arms (Study for Turkish Bath)

Turkish Bath

Study for Golden Age

Golden Age

(1780 - 1867)

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