Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Hercules and Omphale

Roman Fresco (1st Century BC)

Roman Fresco (ca. 60 AD)

Dosso Dossi (1535)


Paolo Veronese (ca. 1565)

Tintoretto (1590)



Abraham Janssens (1607)

Ludovico Carracci (1607)


Angelo Caroselli (1585-1652)

Bernardo Cavallino (1640)

Giovanni Romanelli (1650s)

Diego Lopez el Mudo (17th Century)


Antonio Bellucci (ca. 1698)

Luigi Garzi (ca. 1700)

Giovanni Pellegrini (ca. 1715)

Francois Lemoyne (1724)

Gaspare Diziani (ca. 1725)

Francois Boucher (detail, 1735)

North Italian Master (18th Century)



Geatano Gandolfi (1780)


Gustave Boulanger (1861)

Charles Gleyre (1862)

Jules Sevestre (1865)

Gustave Moreau (ca. 1870)

Edouard Joseph Dantan (1874)

Otto Greiner (1905)

Gustave Courtois (1912)

Byam Shaw (1914)

Pyotr Konchalovsky (1928)

Erika Meriaux (2010s)

John W Kelley (2014)

Marcos Rodrigo (2017)
'Mistress of Hercules (Herakles) during a year of required servitude'

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