Friday, August 10, 2018

Pieter Bruegel the Elder

The Dutch Proverbs


The Fight Between Carnival and Lent (1559)

Children's Games


Mad Meg (Dulle Griet)

Triumph of Death

Fall of the Rebel Angels



Adoration of the Kings (detail)

Procession to Calvary

Death of the Virgin

Old Woman


Hay Harvest

Corn Harvest

Wedding Dance

The Wine of Saint Martin's Day (detail)

Massacre of the Innocents

Peasants Dance (detail)

Peasants Wedding

The Seven Deadly Sins


Disidia (Sloth)

Gula (Gluttony)

Invidia (Envy)

Ira (Wrath)



The Seven Virtues

Temperantia (Temperance)

Caritas (Love)

Fides (Faith)

Fortitudo (Fortitude)

Iusticia (Justice)

Prudentia (Prudence)

Spes (Hope)

Etchings, Engravings by Pieter Bruegel the Elder, Philip Galle

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