Tuesday, November 27, 2018

Lorenzo Lotto

Allegory of Chastity

Madonna and Child Between Bishop and Saint

Mystic Marriage of Saint Catherine

Deposition of Christ


Judith with the Head of Holofernes

Madonna and Child with Saints Roch and Sebastian

Susanna and the Elders

Lucina Brembati

Christ's Farewell to Maria

Madonna with Child and Saints

Saint Catherine

Husband and Wife


Saint Barbara Publicly Tortured (detail of fresco)

Birth of Mary

Madonna and Child with Joseph and Jerome



Madonna and Child with Two Donors

Christ and the Woman Taken in Adultery


Madonna and Child with an Angel and Saint Catherine

Adoration of the Shepherds

Triumph of Chastity

Saint Lucy in Court

Venetian Woman Inspired by Lucretia

Madonna of the Rosary

Laura da Pola

Volta Family
(1480 - 1557)

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