Friday, September 18, 2020


Piero di Cosimo - The Death of Procris (ca. 1495)


Bernardo Luini (detail, 1522)

Francesco Xanto Avelli (1533)

Georg Pencz (1539)

Giorgio Ghisi after Giulio Romano (1540)

Paolo Veronese - Cephalus and Procris (1580)

Joachim Wtewael (ca. 1600)

Florentine School (1600s)

Denis van Alsloot (1608)

Abraham Janssens van Nuyssen (1610)

Theodoor Rombouts (ca. 1610)

Jan Linsen (1616)


Johann Liss (undated)

Philippe de Champaigne (1630)

Peeter Symons (undated)

Guercino (undated)

Magdalena de Passe (undated)


Tapisserie de Lice (1650-1700)

Jan Thomas (undated)

Willem Verschoor (1657)

Ary de Vois (1675)

Luca Giordano - Cephalus and Procris before Diana (ca. 1695)

Willem van Mieris (1702)

Johann Michael Rottmayr (1708)

Jean-Honoré Fragonard (1755)

Benjamin West (1770)

Jonas Akerstrom (undated)

Alexander Macco (ca. 1793)

Charles Meynier (undated)

Antonio Canova (undated)

Joao Marques de Oliveira (1879)



Henrietta Rae (undated)

George Owen Wynne Apperley (1920s)

Mainie Jellett (1929)

Francis Cook (1948)

Joseph Glasco (1955)

Jean Jansem (1970s)

John Fox (1987)

Oleksii Gnievyshev (2020)
Daughter of the King of Athens, accidentally killed by Cephalus

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