Monday, February 14, 2022

Lucas Cranach the Elder

Anna Cuspinian

Rest on the Flight to Egypt

Martyrdom of Saint Catherine

Adam and Eve

Martyrdom of Saint Barbara

Madonna with Child and John the Baptist


Judgement of Paris

Saint Elisabeth

Duke and Duchess Heinrichs des Frommen

Saxon Princess

Venus (detail)


Last Judgement (central panel of Triptych after Hieronymus Bosch)

Last Judgement (detail of right panel)

Saint Helena

A Lady with her Son


Bathsheba and King David

Princess Sibylle von Cleve

A Faun and his Family with a Slain Lion



Martin Luther and Katharina Bora

Magdalena of Saxony

Golden Age

Bacchus at Wine Barrel

Fruits of Jealousy

Saint Dorothea

Judith with the Head of Holofernes

Ill-Matched Couple

Apollo and Diana

Mouth of Truth

Christ and the Samaritan Woman

Samson and Delilah

Salomé with the Head of John the Baptist

Peasant and Prostitute

Sibyl of Saxony


Three Graces #2

Feast of Herod

Christ and the Adulteress


Nymph at the Fountain

Princesses Sibylla, Emilia and Sidonia



Christ Blessing the Children


Old Man with Young Girls

Ill-Matched Couple

Barbara von Sachsen

Magdalena, Daughter of Martin Luther

(1472 - 1553)

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