Sunday, November 27, 2022




Marriage of the Virgin

Elisabetta Gonzaga

Vision of a Knight

Grand Duke's Madonna

Madonna and Child with John the Baptist and St Nicholas of Bari



La Donna Gravida (Pregnant)

Madonna in the Meadow


Madonna of the Pinks

Holy Family

La Muta



Holy Family with a Lamb


School of Athens

(detail with probably) Hypatia

Madonna of Loreto

Marriage of Alexander and Roxana (study)

The Parnassus (detail)

The Parnassus (detail of Sappho)

Young Girl


Urania (Stanza della Signatura)

 Adam and Eve (Stanza della Signatura)

Massacre of the Innocents (Stanza della Signatura)

Massacre of the Innocents

The Triumph of Galatea


Sistine Madonna


Holy Family with John the Baptist

Fire in the Borgo


Judgment of Paris

Madonna del Passeggio



Holy Family below the Oak

Saint Marguerite

Jeanne d'Aragon

Three Graces (study)

Three Graces (Loggia di Psyche)

Mercury Brings Psyche to Olympus (Loggia di Psyche)

 Venus and the Doves (Loggia di Psyche)

 Jacob's Encounter with Rachel (Loggia di Raffaello)

Judgement of Solomon (Loggia di Raffaello)

 Moses Saved by the Pharaoh's Daughter (Loggia di Raffaello)

Madonna of the Rose

Raphael (Raffaello Sanzio)
(1483 - 1520)

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