Tuesday, June 6, 2023

Moirai - The Three Fates



Flemish Tapestry (ca. 1515)

Il Sodoma (ca. 1525)

Bacchiacca (early 16th C.)

Hans Vischer (ca. 1530)

Francesco Salviati (1550)

Giorgio Ghisi (1559)

after Phillip Galle (late 16th C.)



Italian School (16th or 17th C.)

Tuscan School (16th or 17th C.)

Antonio Tempesta (1612)



Bernardo Strozzi (early 17th C.)

Giaocchino Assereto (mid 17th C.)

Pieter Thijs (ca. 1665)

Jean-Francois de Troy (mid 18th C.)

Bolognese School (mid 18th C.)

Frankenthal Porcelain Factory (1773)

Johann Heinrich Dannecker (1791)

Felice Giani (ca. 1815)

Francisco Goya (ca. 1820)

T McLean (publisher, 1847)


Paul Thumann (late 19th C.)

Susan MacDowell Eakins (ca. 1881)

Albert Maignan (1885)


Henry Siddons Mowbray (1896)


John Melhuish Strudwick (around 1900)

Karl Janssen (1907)



Gustav Adolf Mossa (1917)

Ettore Tito (early 20th C.)

Ambrozi Paliwoda (early 20th C.)


Henry Moore (1948)


Christopher Stuart (2004)

Diana Victor (2011)

Terry Strickland (2012)

Sergey Kolesnikov (2016)

Bruce Dean (2021)

Irena Jablonski (2021)

'Goddesses of Destiny'

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