Thursday, October 19, 2023

Pieter Lastman





Wedding Night of Tobias and Sarah

Expulsion of Hagar and Ishmael

Hagar and the Angel

Abraham's Journey to Canaan

Orestes and Pylades with Iphigenia

Susanne and the Elders



Judgement of Midas

Christ and the Woman from Canaan

Angel with Manoah and his Wife

Juno Discovering Jupiter with Io

Haman Begging Esther for Mercy



Paris and Oenone II

Rest on the Flight to Egypt

Raising of Lazarus

Lamentation by Abel

Odysseus and Minerva

Esther before Ahasuerus

Ariadne and Bacchus

Dido's Sacrifice to Juno

(1583 - 1633)

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