Tuesday, November 14, 2023

TricTrac (Backgammon)


Codex Manesse (ca. 1300)


Lukas van Leyden (early 16th C.)

Sebastiaan Vranx (early 16th C.)


Crispijn van de Passe (1599)

Jacob Matham (1600)


Cornelis de Vos (1st half 17th C.)

Willem Duyster (ca. 1630)

Judith Leyster (1630)

Dirck Hals (1630s)

Theodoor Rombouts (1634)

Christoffel van der Laemen (ca. 1640)

David Teniers the Younger (ca. 1640)

Jan van Bijlert (ca. 1645)

Mattia Preti (mid 17th C.)

Pieter de Hooch (1654)

Jacob Duck (1660)

Johan le Ducq (2nd half 17th C.)

Jan Steen (ca. 1667)

Jacob Ochtervelt (ca. 1668)

Jan Verkolje the Elder (1674)

Frans van Mieris the Elder (1680)

Nicolas Lancret (1741)

Jacques Philippe Le Bas after Charles Eisen (mid 18th C.)

Johann Georg Platzer (circle, mid 18th C.)

Paul-Joseph Delcloche (mid 18th C.)

Vigilus Eriksen (mid 18th C.)

Robert Edge Pine (1754)

Thomas Rowlandson (1810)

Edward Burne-Jones (late 19th C.)

Winslow Homer (late 19th C.)

Jean-George Béraud (late 19th C.)

Ernest Board (early 20th C.)

Obert Patterson (1950s)

Edwina Sandys (1976)

Jane Freilicher (1976)

Patricia O'Brien (1986)

William Ireland (late 20th C.)

Andrea Alciato (2014)

Rachel Rockwell (2023)

Trictrac (Backgammon)

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