Thursday, November 30, 2023

William Holman Hunt

Little Nell and her Grandfather

Christ and the Two Mary's


Ellen Collyer

Converted British Family

Claudio and Isabella

Valentine Rescuing Sylvia from Proteus

The Hireling Shepherd

The Flight of Madeline and Porpyro (Eve of Saint Agnes)

Awakening Conscience

The Prosperity of Egypt

The Finding of the Saviour in the Temple


Lantern Maker's Courtship (Street Scene in Cairo)


Nice Moment

Afterglow in Egypt

Children's Holiday

A Day in the Country

Fanny Waugh Hunt, the Artist's Wife

Isabella and the Pot of Basil

Past and Present


Mrs George Waugh, the Artist's Mother-in-Law

Edith Waugh, the Artist's Second Wife


Tuscan Girl Plaiting Straw (-> Dove)

Shadow of Death

River Landscape at Night

Il Dolce far Niente

Flight into Egypt - Triumph of the Innocents

Bride of Bethlehem

Amaryllis (-> Flute)

Miracle of the Sacred Fire

Miss Gladis Holman Hunt (-> Dog)

(with Edward Hughes)

(1827 - 1910)

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