Friday, January 5, 2024

(Allegory of) Music

Andrea di Bonaiuto (1365)

Joos van Wassenhove (ca. 1475)

Robinet Testard (1498)

Filippino Lippi (1500)

Dosso Dossi (1522)


Hans Behald Seham (1st half 16th C.)

Giulio Bonasone after Raphael (1544)

Jan Sanders van Hemessen (attributed, ca 1550)

Flemish School (mid 16th C.)

Jacopo Tintoretto (mid 16th C.)

(Circle of) Frans Floris the Elder (ca. 1570)

Simone Peterzano (late 16th C.)

Paolo Fiammingo (ca. 1590)

Dirk de Quade van Ravesteyn (ca. 1590, -> Flute)

Jan Brueghel the Elder (around 1600)

Alessandro Turchi (detail, 1606)

Rutilio Manetti (early 17th C.)

Werner van der Valckert (1625)


Giovanni Martinelli ((1st half 17th C.)


Cornelis Schut (ca. 1650)

Francesco Noletti (ca. 1650)

Lorenzo Lippi (mid 17th C.)

 Miguel March (mid 17th C.)


Antoine Coypel (ca. 1684)

Giuseppe Bartolomeo Chiari (around 1700)

Francesco Trevisani (around 1700)

Rosalba Carriera (1712, -> Tambourine)

Johann Georg Platzer (ca. 1730)

Louis-Gabriel Blanchet (mid 18th C.)

Francois Boucher (1764)


Eugène Fauré (mid 19th C.)

Ludwig Mayer (1873, -> Mandolin )


Ernest Hébert (1882)

Paul-Francois Quinsac (1888)

Elihu Vedder (ca. 1893)


Thomas Dewing (ca. 1895)




Carlos Barberis (around 1900, -> Harp)

Henri-Adrien Tanoux (around 1900)


Giulio Bargellini (early 20th C.)

 James Longacre Wood (early 20th C.)

 Jean Delville (early 20th C.)

 Eduard Veith (early 20th C.)

Frantisek Zenisek (1924, -> Violin)

Max Rimbock (ca. 1930)


José Manuel Capuletti (cropped, 1946)

Rocco Normanno (2012)

Allegory of Music

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