Friday, January 26, 2024

Proserpina (Persephone)

Alessandro Varotari (Padovanino) - Rape of Proserpina by Pluto (1510)

Enea Vico - Proserpina and Ascalapus as an Owl (1548)

Paris Bordone (mid 16th C.)

Niccolo dell' Abbate (ca. 1560)

Cornelis Cort after Frans Floris (1565)

Alessandro Allori (1570)


Joseph Heintz the Elder (ca. 1595)

Karel van Mander (ca. 1595)

Scarsellino (around 1600)

Jan Brueghel the Elder, Hendrick van Balen (attributed, around 1600)

Circle of Jsoeph Heintz the Elder (around 1600)

Hendrik Goltzius (around 1600)

Crispijn van de Passe (1602)

Wilhelm Janson and Antonio Tempesta (1606)



Simone Pignoni (ca. 1650)

Daniel Vertangen (mid 17th C.)

Nicolas Mignard (1651)

Pieter van Veen (late 17th C.)

Gregorio Lazzarini (around 1700)

John Smith after Pieter van Gunst (around 1700)

Anthoni Schoonjans (1702)

Philip van Gunst (early 18th C.)

Joseph-Marie Vien (1757)

Jean-Charles-Joseph Remond (1821)

William Etty (early 19th C.)

Edward James Physick (1849)

Frederick Sandys (1865)

Dante Gabriel Rossetti (1874)

George Wilson (1880)

Arthur Hacker (ca. 1889)

Frederick Leighton - Return of Persephone (1891)

Bryson Burroughs (early 20th C.)


Thomas Hart (2000s)

Roberto Ferri (2007)

Michael Triegel (ca. 2008)

Alex Kanevsky (2009)

Agostino Arrivabene (2011)

Silvia Flechoso (2015)

Ayama Kojima (2017)

Brando Brando after Bernini (2019)


Proserpina (Persephone)
Queen of the Underworld, Goddess of Fertility and Springtime Growth

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