Thursday, March 14, 2024

Melpomene - Muse of Tragedy


Pompeian Fresco (ca 70 AD)

Ancient Roman (2nd C.)


Eustache Le Sueur - The Muses Melpomene, Erato and Polyhymnia (mid 17th C.)

Samuel van Hoogstraten (1658)

Elisabetta Sirani (ca. 1660)

Joshua Reynolds - David Garrick Between Tragedy and Comedy (1760)

Nicolas Guy Brenet (2nd half 18th C.)

Louis-Michel van Loo (1765)

George Romney - Mrs Yates as Melpomene (1771)


Pompeo Batoni - Aleksandra Potocka as Melpomene (1779)

Joshua Reynolds - Mrs Siddons as the Tragic Muse (1784)

Angelica Kauffmann (study, 1790)

Angelica Kauffmann - Tragedy and Comedy (1791)

Robert Fagan - Euterpe and Melpomene (ca. 1794)

Statue in Klagenfurt (ca. 1800)

Gustave Moreau - Hésiode et la Muse (1857)


Giuseppe Fagnani (1869)

Paul Baudry (ca. 1870)

Joseph Blanc (1885)


Edward Simmons (1896)


Giuseppe Mazzei (early 20th C.)

Alexander Rothaug (cropped, 1911)

Sven Lindhart (mid 20th C.)

Yoan Leviev (2000s)



Alina Santana (2018)

Leonid Ilyukhin (detail, 2018)

Paolo Miguel Marinas (2021)


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