Thursday, July 18, 2024

Artist's Niece


Jean-Etienne Liotard - Marianne (1746)

William Etty - Kitty (early 19th C.)

David Wilkie - Sophia (1829)

Camille Corot - Octavie (1833)

Carl Peter Mazer - Sigrid and Anna (1858)

Anton Romako - Kätchen (late 19th C.)

William Thorne - Zaide and William (1873)

Mary Louise McLaughlin - Esther (1882)

John Everett Millais - Margaret (1883)

Berthe Morisot - Paule Gobillard with her Dog (1887)

Henri Fantin-Latour - Sonia (1890s)

Philip Wilson Steer - Dorothea Hamilton (1893)

Theo van Rysselberghe - Denise Marechal (ca. 1894)

Thérèse SchwartzeLizzy Ansingh (1895)

Gustav Klimt - Helene (1898)

Francois Guiguet - Josephine (around 1900)

Polychronis Lembesis (around 1900)

Solomon Joseph Solomon - Gertrude (1900s)

Oleksandr Murashko - Tetyana Yazeva (around 1910)

John Singer Sargent - Rose Marie Ormond (1912)

Frank Dicksee - Dorothy (1917)

Grace Joel - Kathleen (ca. 1920)


Glyn Warren Philpot - Gabrielle and Rosemary (1928)

Leo Whelan (around 1930)

André Derain - Geneviève (1931)

Harold Harvey - Rhoda (1934)

Marsden Hartley (1940)

Felix Nussbaum - Self Portrait with Marianne (1941)

Prudence Heward - Ann (1942)

Henriette Wyeth (around 1950)

George Pemba - May (1960)

Louai Kayali (1960s)

Candice Bohannon (2014)

Brianne Lee - Lily (2017)

Eric Nyos (2019)

Olena Babak (2019)

Gayle Madeira - Emma (2020)


Lis Pardoe (2021)

Tai Meng Lim (2021)

Richard Greathouse - Lillie (2022)

Vicky Sullivan (2022)

The Artist's Niece

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