Sunday, September 8, 2024

Woman with Iris

Marguerie Arosa (1884)

Thomas Kennington (late 19th C.)

Henry Ryland - Allegory of Spring (ca. 1890)

Herbert Schmalz - Flowers of the Levant (ca. 1890)

Conrad Kiesel (late 19th C.)


Ernst Klimt - Pan and Psyche (1892)

Paul Peel - The Little Shepherdess (1892)


Edwin Harris (1897)

Auguste Raynaud (late 19th C.)

L. Horter (1900)

Abbey Altson (around 1900)

Arthur Wardle - Enchantress (around 1900)

George Bulleid (around 1900)

Georges Alfred Bottini (1900)


Vittorio Matteo Corcos (1903)


Norman Prescott Davies (1906)

Walter Crane - Judgement of Paris (1909)

Guillaume Seignac (early 20th C.)

Charles-Amable Lenoir (early 20th C.)

Gaston Bussière - Wood Nymph (1911)


Rupert Bunny - The Nymph Salmacis (ca. 1919)

William Savage Cooper (1st half 20th C.)

Okada Saburosuke - Woman in Kimono (1927)

Charles Wiley (1st half 20th C.)


Edward Atkinson Hornel (1933)

David Peretz (mid 20th C.)

Marevna (1957)


Masami Teraoka (1977)

Oksana Vinnichenko (after 2000)

Kerry Simmons (after 2000)

Woman with Iris

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