Thursday, November 3, 2011


Piero di Cosimo (around 1500)

Cima da Conegliano - Ariadne and Bacchus (Dionysos) (1509)

Paolo Veronese - Ariadne, Venus and Bacchus (1576)

Annibale Carracci - Triumph of Bacchus and Ariadne (1597 - 1602)

Guido Reni (1619)

Padovanino (1588-1648)



Paulus Bor (1635)

Le Nain Brothers (1635)


Gérard de Lairesse (ca. 1680)

Niccolo Bambini - Ariadne and Theseus (ca. 1700)

Sebastiano Ricci - Ariadne and Bacchus (1713)

Jean-Francois de Troy (early 18th C.)


Johann Heinrich Tischbein - Ariadne Helping Theseus by Giving him a Ball of Thread (1779)

John Vanderlyn (1808-1812)

Henry Fuseli - Ariadne Watching the Struggle of Theseus with the Minotaur (1815)


Hans Makart (1874)

Evelyn de Morgan - Ariadne on Naxos (1877)

John Lavery (1886)




John William Waterhouse (1898)


Lovis Corinth (1913)

Giorgio de Chirico - Ariadne sleeping in the labyrinth (1913)

Alexander Rothaug (early 20th C.)


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