Friday, October 5, 2012

Lawrence Alma-Tadema

Maria Magdalena


Garland Seller


Exhausted Maenides

Water Pets: Goldfish

Flora - Spring in the Gardens of the Villa Borghese

Venus Esquilina (detail)

Strigils and Sponges - Women in Bath (detail)

Sappho and Alcaeus

In the Tepidarium


Between Venus and Bacchus


Antony and Cleopatra

Welcome Footsteps

The Women of Amphissa

The Favourite Poet

Priestess of Apollo

The Frigidarium

God Speed (detail)

Unconscious Rivals

Spring (detail, -> Flute)

A Coign of Vantage



Mrs George Lewis with Elizabeth (Mother and Daughter)

The Baths of Caracalla (detail)

Portrait of a Woman

The Finding of Moses by Pharaoh's Daughter (detail)

Among the Ruins (-> Iris)

Ask Me No More


The Golden Hour

A Favourite Custom


When Flowers Return


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