Wednesday, June 20, 2018

Jacques-Louis David

Marie Francoise Buron with Muff

Marie Josephine Buron

Combat of Mars and Minerva


Children of Niobe


Mademoiselle Guimard as Terpsichore

Vestal Virgin Crowned with Flowers


Andromache Mourning Hector

Genevieve Jacqueline Pecoul (detail)

Oath of Horatius (detail)

Mister and Misses Lavoisier (detail)


The Lictors Returning to Brutus the Body of his Sons

Anne-Marie-Louise Thelusson

Marquise of Orvilliers

Juliette de Villeneuve (Woman with Harp)

Louise Pastoret

Madame Trudaine

Death of Bara

Psyche Abandoned

Emile Sériziat and her Son

Young Woman in White



Juliette Récamier

Apelles Painting Campaspe in Presence of Alexander the Great

Reclining Nude (Juliette Récamier)

Suzanne Le Peletier de Saint Fargeau

Sappho and Phaon

Countess Daru

Antoine and Angélique Mongez

Marguerite-Charlotte David (Artist's Wife)

Countess Vilain XIII (Mother and Daughter)


Farewell of Telemachus and Eucharis

Anger of Achilles

Sisters Zénaide and Charlotte Bonaparte


(1748 - 1825)

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