Monday, February 13, 2023

Venus and Mars

Fresco from Casa di Meleagro, Pompeii (1st C. BC)


Piero di Cosimo (ca. 1505)

Palma il Vecchio - Venus and Mars with Cupid (1520)

Correggio (1522)

Titian (ca. 1530)

Giulio Romano (Palazzo del Te, 1532-34)

Maarten van Heemskerck Studio (1st half 16th C.)

Frans Wouters (1545)

Circle of Frans Floris (mid 16th C.)


Lavinia Fontana (1559)


Paolo Veronese (1570-80)

Bartholomeus Spranger (late 16th C.)

Domenico Tintoretto (1595)

Carlo Saraceni (ca. 1600)

Hendrick Goltzius (around 1600)

Hans Rottenhammer (1604)

Joachim Wtewael - Discovered by the Gods (1604)

Palma il Giovane (early 17th C.)


Peter Paul Rubens - Return from War (cropped, ca. 1610)

Bartolomeo Manfredi - Cupid Chastised by Mars (1613)

Padovanino (early 17th C.)

Nicolas Poussin (1626-28)

Guercino (1633)

Simone Cantarini (ca. 1638)

Luca Giordano (late 17th C.)


Francesco Mancini (around 1700)

Giovanni Battista Pittoni (1720)

Francois Boucher (mid 19th C.)

Joseph-Marie Vien (1768)


Pompeo Batoni (1776)

Franciszek Smuglewicz (late 18th C.)

Antonio Canova (1817-22)

Jacques-Louis David - Venus and Mars with the Three Graces (1824)


Edward Calvert (mid 19th C.)


Mabel Frances Layng (1st half 20th C.)



Viktor Safonkin (2007)

Kot Valer (2009)

Midjourney (2012)


(Allegory of Peace and War)

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