Friday, September 21, 2018

Jacob Jordaens

Young Married Couple

Self Portrait among Parents, Brothers and Sisters

Nymphs and Satyrs - Allegory of Fruitfullness - Homage to Pomona

Bacchus and Venus

Holy Family with Shepherds


Good Samaritan

Daughters of Cecrops Finding the Child Erichthonius

Holy Family with Saint John


Allegory of Fertility

Holy Family with Saint Anne and the Young John the Baptist with Parents

Judgement of Paris

Temptation of Madeleine

Three Studies of a Young Woman

Two Studies of Nancy

Satyr and the Peasant Kassel


Family of the Artist

Martyrdom of Saint Apollonia (detail)

The Love of Cupid and Psyche (detail)

Maleager and Atalanta (detail)

Golden Apple of Discord (Wedding of Peleus and Thetis)

Cadmos and Minerva

Catherina Behaghel (Woman with Fan)

Govaert van Surpele with his Wife

Magdalena de Cuyper

Musician with Muse

As the Old Sing, so the Young Pipe

Vertumnus and Pomona

Bean King (->Wine)


Diana and Actaeon (detail)


Maid with a Basket of Fruit


Diana Resting

Rape of Europa (detail)


Neptune and Amphitrite in the Storm

King Candaules of Lydia Showing his Wife Nyssia to Gyges


Achelous Defeated by Hercules

Moses and Zipphora

Cupid and Psyche


Adam and Eve, Fall of Man

Susanna and the Elders


Allegory of Peace

Alter Zecher



Know Yourself


(1593 - 1678)

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