Thursday, March 28, 2024

Urania - Muse of Astronomy


Pompeiian Fresco (ca. 70 AD)

Roman Statue (2nd C. AD)

Raphael (ca. 1510)

Andrea Belfiore or Workshop (mid 16th C.)

Anteviduto Grammatica Workshop (around 1600)

Circle of Jacques Bellange (early 17th C.)

Simon Vouet and Studio - Urania and Calliope (ca. 1634)


Eustache Le Sueur (detail, 1647)

Pietro Liberi (mid 17thC.)

Francesco Cozza (ca. 1667)

Francesco Trevisani (attributed, around 1700)

Jean Raoux (1730)

John Kaendler (ca. 1750)

Placido Costanzi (1750)

Louis Tocqué or Follower (mid 18th C.)

Andrea Casali (mid 18th C.)

Pompeo Batoni - Apollo with Euterpe and Urania (workshop replica, mid 18th C.)

Christian Bernhard Rode (2nd half 18th C.)

Joseph Fratrel (ca. 1780)

Giuseppe Zucchi after Angelica Kauffmann (1781)


Robert Fagan - Urania, Erato and Calliope (ca. 1794)

Charles Meynier - Apollo and Urania (1798)

Antonio Canova - Urania Reveals to Thales the Secrets of the Sky (1799)

James Sant (ca. 1850)

British School (mid 19th C.)

Giuseppe Fagnani (1869)

Gabriel von Max (late 19th C.)

Samuel Isham (1895)

Giuseppe Mazzei (early 20th C.)


Emily Balivet (2011)


Leonid Ilyukhin (detail, 2018)

Antonio Painn (2019)


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