Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Battle of Lapiths and Centaurs at Hippodamia's Wedding


Greek Frieze in the Temple of Apollo at Basai (ca. 400 BC)

Greek vase (ca. 350 BC)

Wall Painting from Pompeii
Pirithous Receiving the Centaurs at his Wedding with Hippodamia

Piero di Cosimo (ca. 1510)

Heinrich Aldegrever - Hercules Obstructing the Rape of Hippodamia (1550)

Enea Vico after Fiorentina Rosso (ca. 1560)

Lattanzio Gambara (ca. 1560)

Bernard Salomon (1564)

Felice Brusasorzi (ca. 1600)

Bernardino Cesari (around 1600)

Crispijn van de Passe (ca. 1605)


Frans Francken the Younger (early 17th C.)

Pierre Brebiette (1625)

Peter Paul Rubens (1610)


Pieter de Baillu after Peter Paul Rubens (ca. 1640)

Karel Dujardin (1667)

Luca Giordano (ca. 1688)

Gérard de Lairesse (late 17th C.)

Jacob Toornevliet (1701)

Sebastiano Ricci (ca. 1705)

Francesco Solimena (ca. 1740)

Johann Georg Platzer (ca. 1740)

Franciszek Smuglewicz (1776)

Rafael Tegeo Diaz (1835)

French School (mid 19th C.)


Albert-ERnest Carrier-Belleuse (1871)

Franz Russ (late 19th C.)

Gustav Crauk (ca. 1895)

Glyn Philpot (around 1940)

Alex Folla (2015)

Tsanko Tsankov (2016)

Hippodamia, Bride of Pirithous, Abducted by the Centaurs

(Ovidius - Metamorphosis)

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