Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Bartolomé Esteban Murillo



Baking of Flat Cakes

Holy Family



Mystic Marriage of Saint Catherine

Girl with a Coin

Holy Family with a Bird

Madonna of the Rosary

Saint Anna with the Virgin

Birth of John the Baptist

Adoration of the Shepherds

Adoration of the Magi

Four Figures on a Step


Penitent Magdalene

Holy Family with the Infant John the Baptist


Mater Dolorosa

Rebecca and Eliezer at the Well


Allegory of Faith

Rest on the Flight into Egypt

Saints Justice and Rufina


Isaac Blessing Jacob

Saint Rose of Lima


Virgin and Child with Saint Rosalino of Palermo

Girl with Fish and Fruit

Moses Striking the Rock for Water

Marriage at Cana

Fruit Vendors

Old Woman Delousing

Girl Lifting her Veil

Virgin of the Annunciation

Immaculate Conception (cropped)

Earthly and Heavenly Trinities

(1618 - 1682)

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