Monday, September 22, 2014


Giuseppe Badaracco (1st half 17th C.)

Giovanni Lanfranco - Rebecca and Eliezer (ca. 1630)

Willem van Nieulandt (1632)

Bernardo Strozzi (ca. 1635)

Giovanni Castiglione (ca. 1637)

Nicolas Poussin (1648)

Jacob Jordaens and Workshop (undated)


Andrea Vaccaro - Rebecca and Isaac (undated)

School of Genoa (17th century)

Carlo Moratti (1657)

Salomon de Bray (1660)

Johann Carl Loth (ca. 1670)

Giovanni Cerrini (1681)

Antoine Coypel (1701)

Giovanni Antonio Pellegrini (1713)

Nicolo Grassi (ca. 1720)

Giovanni Battista Pittoni (ca. 1725)

Johann Georg Platzer (ca. 1735)

Giovanni Piazzetta (ca. 1740)

Franz Anton Maulbertsch (ca. 1750)

Giambattista Tiepolo (1751)

Benjamin West (1775)




Benjamin Edward Spence (1855)


Emile Lecomte Vernet (1869)


Casimir Desterm (1888)

Ivan Tisov (1894)

James Tissot (1902)

Marc Chagall (1931)

Ernani Costantini (1988)

"Let it be that the maiden to whom I shall say, 'Please tip over your jug so I may drink,' and who replies, 'Drink, and I will even water your camels,' her will You have designated for Your servant, for Isaac"
 (Genesis 24:14)

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