Thursday, October 26, 2017

Luca Giordano

Saint Augustine and Saint Monica

Four Women Making Music

Dismissal of Hagar


Rubens Painting the Allegory of Peace


(see also Woman with Braids)

Rape of Lucretia

Youth Tempted by the Vices

Penitent Magdalene

Madonna and Child with Souls in Purgatory

Deposition of Christ (detail)

Allegory of Magnanimity



Mars and Venus Surprised by Vulcan


Martyrdom of Saint Lucia

Picus and Circe


Flight to Egypt

Presentation in the Temple

Deianira and Nessus

Renaud and Armide Discovered by the Knights

Galatea and Polyphemus


Triumph of Galatea


Perseus Turning Phineus and his Followers to Stone with the Head of Medusa


Abduction of Helen (by Paris)

Judgement of Paris

Apotheosis of the Medici


Allegory of Prudence

The Riches of the Sea with Neptune, Tritons and two Nereids

Marriage of the Virgin


Jacob and Rachel at the Well

Defeat of Sisera (by Yael)

Maria Anna of Neuburg on Horseback


Psyche Honoured by the People

Psyche Served by Invisible Spirits

Psyche's Parents Offering Sacrifice to Apollo

Venus Punishing Psyche with a Task

Solomon and the Queen of Sheba

(1634 - 1705)

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