Monday, May 4, 2020


Raphael - Venus Offering Psyche Water from the Styx (1517)

Barthelomeus Spranger - Mercury Carries Psyche to Mount Olympus

Simon VouetPsyche and Cupid (1626)

Willem Panneels (ca. 1630)


Luca Giordano - Venus Punishing Psyche with a Task (1702)

Jean-Francois de Troy - Cupid and Psyche (undated)

Charles Joseph Natoire (1735)

Pompeo Batoni - Marriage of Cupid and Psyche (mid 18th C.)

Jean-Honoré Fragonard - Psyche Showing her Sisters Gifts from Cupid (1753)


Fedele Fischetti (undated)

Jean Baptiste Greuze (1786)


Anne-Louis Girodet (1799)

Benjamin West - Eagle Bringing Cup to Psyche (1802)

Pierre Paul Prudhon - Psyche Lifted by Zephyrs (1808)

Bernhard von Guérard (1811)

Ernst Hillemacher - Psyche in the Underworld (1865)

Gustave Courbet - Venus and Psyche (1866)

Wilhelm Kray (undated)

Edward Burne-Jones - Pan and Psyche (1874)


Nikolaos Gyzis (undated)



Edward Hale - Psyche at the Throne of Venus (1883)

Evariste Vital Luminais (1886)

Alexis Joseph Mazerolle (1887)




Ernst Klimt - Pan and Psyche (1892)
(-> Iris)

Henriette Rae-Normand - Psyche before the Throne of Venus (detail, 1894)

Edward Burne-Jones - Psyche's Wedding (1895)

Guillaume Seignac (ca. 1900)

Antonin Hudecek (1901)


Henry John Stock - The Uplifitng of Psyche (1905)


Edmund Dulac (ca. 1920)

Gabriel-Mark Lipper (2000s)

Alpey Efe (2010)

Roberto Ferri (2015)

Goddess of the Soul
(see als Cupid & Psyche)

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